Monday, June 8, 2009

Surrounded by beauty! All I can do is be amazed!

The photo on the left is the mountain in the distance. I stood at the very top of the mountain peak on left:) The picture next to it is one of the incredible views of the Atlantic from way up!

The past three days have been full of sunshine and beautiful sight seeing!! We started our weekend off by taking a climb up Lion's Head Mountain. Rock climbing to the most beautiful view I have ever seen!!! We sat at the veryyyyyyyyyyyyy tip top of it. We were surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the City of Cape town.

<-- other members of the group on the climb down!

Six of us made it up to the top and hung out for a while.
Later that night we went to a restaurant called Mama Africa with the other study abroad group from California where we were encouraged to try "game" food. Interrrrrrrrrrresting night! After that a few of us went to an outdoor hang out spot called the Waiting Room and we hung out on the roof of a 4 story place in the middle of down town underneath the beautiful African sky!

Sunday we were blessed again with sunshineeee!! We headed out for a day of ocean and amazing views. We did the Cape peninsula tour, stopping at lots of bays. We went to visit the penguin colony! They were so funny! They were called jackass penguins because of the noises they make, but they were hilarious to watch. They were everywhere! About 9,000 just in this colony alone!

We next traveled to the Cape of Good Hope which is considered the southern most tip of Africa! My words cannot express the beauty of all this! I cannot wait to show everyone my pictures! We had lots of free time to walk around and take pictures and enjoy the day. We were warned about the baboons here! We werent allow to take bags off of the bus because the babooons are known for "mugging people " They were actually described as gangsters, haha. Luckily, i had nothing they wanted!

On Monday we had class, and we all presented our historical briefs then we hopped on the 2 oclock boat out to Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was in prison for 18 years. After reading his autobiography since we have been here it was amazing to be walking the same halls as he did! We saw the garden he started, the lime quary which he worked in, the tennis court he helped build, and the cell he was in 17+ hours a day. Our guide was an ex-political prisoner named Sparks who was in prison during the time Mandela was. All of the tours are either given by former prisoners or guards, so it is amazing what we got to learn from people who experienced everything first hand.
To the left is a picture of Mandela's cell (sorry i cannot figure out how to rotate pictures on here!)

On the boat ride back we got to watch the sunset on the ocean for an hour! breathtaking!!

And here is the view of Cape town from the middle of the Ocean! Table mountain (the big flat one;)) Is the one that we a few of us are going to go climb tomorrow if weather is nice and we have time.
I cant believe I have been here for a month and only have 3 days left here! There is still so much left that I want to do! I guess this means that I will have to come back.. :)
Anyways, not sure if I will have time again to post before I return back to the States!
Get ready America!
Penguin love!!

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