Saturday, May 23, 2009


We have just gotten into Cape Town yesterday and it is AMAZING! We are surrounded on a peninsula by the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean and beautiful Table Mountain(which we will be climbing here soon!) is in the view of our hotel! Everything has gone perfectly so far! We we in Jo-burg for the first few nights. We visited townships and met incredible people. Then we traveled on to Dennilton, a couple hours away to get to our first volunteer location. We were to help out at an orphanage called Youth with A Vision.
My words and pictures cannot do this place justice!! I have never been more happy to be anywhere in my life as that place. The children were absolutely great. They were all so happy. The first day we were there they showed us around and we got to join in on their Sunday worship service. Those kids had the best voices I have ever heard! The next day we went back we helped out by cutting grass, with a single tool (much more difficult than a riding lawn mower). The orhapange had 25 kids who were the sweetest kids ever! After doing some work there we had a big Soccer match! It was so much fun to be running around with them! Some of them could surely play in the world cup!! (which by the way will be in south africa next and i can see the stadium being building from my hotel!) it was such an incredible two days there!

We got to venture onward to Kruger National park where we went on a 2 day safari (some of us who were sick only went out one of the days) but we saw tons of animals! Giraffes, elephants, lions & cubs, babboons, monkeys, wildabeast, pumba, impalas, and many more! I have really good picutres!!

Now that we are in Cape Town we have just been touring it a bit today and I am excited to get out and do more service work in this beautiful community!!! Mountains, Ocean, EVERYTHING all right here! :) its amazing!! Tomorrow we are seeing tons more and going to the penguin island!! I am excited to finally be settled in one place for the next 3 weeks instead of packing and traveling every two days! But its been great so far! Hopefully everyone on our trip can get and stay healthy for the rest of it! We have much to do!

I hope to update more often here! And post some pictures as soon as I can! There is much to tell and show you all!!! I love emails and chats on skype if you have it! Just let me know:) Our time is 7 hours ahead!



  1. Sounds like you are having an adventure of a lifetime.I bet the kids at the orphanage loved you as much as you loved them! I sure loved hearing about it all. Enjoy your time and stay healthy. Love you lots, Aunt ML ;)

  2. sisterrrrrrrr
    I miss you.
    It was good to see you for a few seconds on webcam...
    maybe again tomorrow?
    i work until 2 and thats 9 there.. but maybe?
    I miss and love you soo much!
